
Dog Licensing

License fees:  
Spayed/Neutered - $6.00
Unspayed/Unneutered - $11.00
Kennel - $35.00

To obtain a license for your dog — Send proof of current rabies vaccination, a self-addressed stamped envelope, and a check payable to the Town of Eaton by April 1 to:

Town of Eaton Treasurer
20514 CTH C
Valders, WI 54245

Wisconsin State Statutes mandate that the owner of a dog more than five months of age on January 1, or 5 months of age within this year, shall obtain a license prior to April 1 or on or before the date the dog becomes five months of age. A late fee of $35 per residence after April 1 will be applied. This fee is in addition to the regular license amount listed above.

If you no longer have a dog that was licensed in the town last year, call the Town Treasurer at 920-905-0954 so we can remove the dog from our records.